I laid in bed last night feeling I had left something out of my blog. I realized it was incomplete because I had left out the text of the message of the Plan of Salvation. For my kids, all of you should have PEACH MY GOSPEL in your homes. It is a good resource for Family Home Evenings. For those of you who do not have Peach My Gospel and are interested on what the pictures mean, here is a link to the text.
A few years ago our son, Jason, was reading Proverbs and telling us how much he loved it. I have to admit I have not read Proverbs since I was a teenager. At that time it did not seem very interesting to me. However, I am now in that part of my studies of the Old Testament. I now see what Jason was talking about. I love it too.
Yesterday I was reading Chapter 4. I love the guideline for the flow of our spiritual progress:
- v-1 - "Here, ye children, the instructions of a father, and attend to KNOW UNDERSTANDING." First we must gain knowledge. But knowledge is not enough.
- v-4 - "He taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine heart retain my words: KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS." Knowledge is strengthened and explained as we keep his commandments. It is then that we gain _______________
- v-5 - "Get WISDOM, get understanding." We can only gain wisdom by experience or by the teachings of the Holy Ghost.. Wisdom is knowing why and how knowledge effects us.
- v-12 - "When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straightened (NOT DISTRESSED); and when thou runnest, thou shalt NOT STUMBLE."
- v-13 - "Take fast, hold of instructions; let her not go; keep her; for she is thy LIFE."
- v-18 - "But the path of the just is as the shining LIGHT, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
Thanks for sharing your Testimony Sister Warner. It is so neat to be able to share our thoughts and feelings through blogs. I am grateful for the gospel too and marvel daily at the peace and perspective it brings me.
Thanks for teaching me mom and for your testimony. You are such a GREAT mother. I am really regretting taking the education and instruction I received early in life. This has reminded me to be grateful for all that I know. Thanks mom. Love you!
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